Batman the brave and the bold blue beetle
Batman the brave and the bold blue beetle

batman the brave and the bold blue beetle

16 years later, and the Blue Bettle will finally get his own DCEU movie. From Batman: the Brave and the Bold to Young Justice: Invasion, younger audiences began to discover the all-new Beetle. By 2006, he starred in his first self-titled series since 1986. The teenage Blue Beetle was an instant hit with fans.

batman the brave and the bold blue beetle batman the brave and the bold blue beetle

Whether flying into space or forming space-age weapons, the new Blue Beetle was a major upgrade from the previous incarnations. In this version, the scarab created a suit that can basically do anything. It bonded with Jaime, giving the Blue Beetle newfound powers like never before. Instead of following Kord’s self-made superhero routine, the intergalactic scarab that had been dormant since 1966 would come to life. With the changing of the Blue Beetle guard from Kord to Reyes came a new direction for the character.

Batman the brave and the bold blue beetle